23 May What is ’17th Edition’ in electrical terms?
If you’ve being searching for an electrician online you may have come across the term ‘17th Edition ‘and thought to yourself what does this actually mean. This is actually an edition of British Standards (BS 7671), which is the national standard in the UK for low voltage electrical installations.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) publish these wiring regulations and have done so since 1882. The 17th edition is the latest revised edition of BS7671 and became effective for all installations designed after July 2008. This latest edition includes new regulations that will ensure that your electrics are safe and can prevent any unnecessary accidents.
Therefore if you are looking to have any electrical work carried out within your property this should be done so to 17th Edition standards. This will ensure that your home is a safe environment for you and your family. A qualified electrician will have undergone sufficient training and passed a City and Guilds 17th Edition examination.
If you are unsure about the current electrics within your property we would advise that you contact a professional electrician who can assess these for you and provide expert advice on how they can be improved.
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