Signs your Health and Safety Equipment Needs Replacing - BrightLec Electrical | Leeds Based Electrical Contractors
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Signs your Health and Safety Equipment Needs Replacing

Prior to 1974, approximately eight million employees across the United Kingdom had no access to safety protection at work. The Health and Safety at Work Act that was introduced during the seventies offers the legal framework that all businesses should follow to stimulate and promote high standards of health and safety in all professional environments.

In a work environment, all individuals have a duty to comply with the health and safety act, including trainees, self-employed individuals, employers, employees, suppliers, manufacturers, and even those responsible for importing equipment.

Here are some signs that the equipment you use to promote health and safety throughout your business may need to be replaced, from CCTV cameras, to intercoms.

Sign one: The equipment doesn’t work as it should

If you’re security cameras aren’t recording information properly, or they’re skipping over portions of footage at certain times during the day, then this is a sure sign that equipment isn’t working as it should be. The same rules apply for generators that fail to kick into action during a power-outage, or motion-activated lights that no longer detect intruders. Health and safety equipment can only be effective if it’s operating at the high standards required when you purchased the items in the first place.

Sign two: The equipment is outdated

Today, new and improved technology is emerging in the business market almost daily. The health and safety equipment that you had installed when you first began running your business may not be the most appropriate equipment for your company to use today. Speaking to experts in the industry should be able to give you an insight into some of the high-range items that are available on the market today. Though you may not need to upgrade every time new technology comes out, you might find that certain modern appliances are more appropriate for your specific business type.

Sign three: It’s showing signs of damage

Finally, even if your health and safety equipment is working as it should, and it’s not so outdated that you feel you need an upgrade, there may still be problems if the equipment is damaged. After all, problems with machinery or frayed wiring can quickly lead to severe problems in a workplace when left unattended. Electrical equipment in particular can pose a serious fire hazard when exposed to damage, so even the smallest problem with wiring shouldn’t be ignored or underestimated.

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