09 Jan Energy Saving Tips for Office Buildings
Today, more businesses than ever before are beginning to consider the value of energy efficiency – not just to improve their company reputation, but to give something back to the environment. Conserving energy is a great way to take environmentally friendly steps for your business, while improving your bottom line too! From thinking carefully about your heating and air conditioning needs, to changing your lighting preferences and powering down when you’re out of the office, there are plenty of small changes that can help office buildings achieve big energy-saving results.
Let’s take a look at just a few of the ways that you can start conserving energy within your company buildings.
- Consider Regular Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance
Keeping your employees comfortable with the right temperature-controlling systems is important. However, it’s fair to say that heating units and air conditioning machines can wreak havoc on your energy bills – particularly when you don’t have the chance to invest in having them properly serviced. Filters should be cleaned on a monthly basis, and air conditioning and heating units should always be optimised to make sure that you never use more energy than is necessary. Look into alternative methods of keeping your business hot, or cool, like applying energy-saving window covers.
- Consider your Lighting Options
Making the switch from energy-sucking incandescent lightbulbs to LEDs and other more energy-efficient options can be a fantastic way to lower the amount of energy you use on a regular basis, and minimise your energy bills. For most businesses, changing their lighting source is a low-cost and practical way to cut costs within the office, and ensure that they’re taking positive steps for the environment at the same time.
- Know When to Power Down
Finally, in a business world that seems to run almost entirely on technology, it makes sense that we would assume our devices have to be “always on”. However, the truth is that when you leave the office in the evening, you shouldn’t be leaving computers glowing and lights buzzing behind you. Close your door only after you have switched off everything you’re no longer using. Turning off machines around the office when no-one is using them is one of the best ways to save on excess energy expenditure. It’s even possible to invest in lights that can sense when people leave a room, and automatically switch off when there’s no-one around. This means that you don’t even have to worry about remembering to flick the switch.
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