Useful Tips - BrightLec Electrical | Leeds Based Electrical Contractors
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Useful Tips

There is nothing worse than making a bad first impression. They are nigh on impossible to correct, and in the world of business, this is especially true. For businesses who rely on customer experience to turn a profit, like jewellers, shops, restaurants, and bars, first impressions...

Electronic fault finding is the process of running tests on electrical infrastructure (cabling, switches, fuse boxes) and sometimes electronic appliances to determine where an electrical fault is so it can be fixed safely and effectively. To run these tests, electricians use handheld tools. This is necessary...

When a plug socket stops working, it’s highly inconvenient. But it is important to ensure the fault is identified and fixed as quickly as possible to keep you safe. Here is a handy guide to some of the main things that can go wrong with plug...

With pressure on businesses to be more eco-friendly and rising energy costs, more businesses than ever are choosing to have a commercia energy audit carried out. This is a thorough assessment of the energy consumption of a company. In the United Kingdom, it has been the...

Out of all industries, agriculture has been the biggest beneficiary of renewable energy technology. There’s no secret or complicated reason as to why either: farms have acres of space (literally) to install the equipment needed to generate energy, whether it’s a windmill, a series of...

The industrial sector is seeing rapid change as emerging technologies like robotics and virtual reality become more affordable and relevant to a wider range of applications. From manufacturing and engineering to construction, the development is happening faster now than in the last four decades combined. Companies...

Electrical fires are a major source of worry for all businesses, especially since we rely on electricity now more than ever. It has never been so important to take all the necessary steps to protect your commercial property from the risk of electrical fire. Luckily, there...

Office technology is evolving all the time, and it is producing solutions which can make your working life a lot easier. Technology has now advanced to a point where it is possible to coordinate and streamline many of your daily work activities, and regulate your...

Saving money wherever possible is important for every business. Often one of the main areas of expenditure for businesses in all industries is the amount of electricity they use. So how can you bring your electricity bills down to more manageable levels? Here we take a...