Benefits of additional plug sockets - BrightLec Electrical | Leeds Based Electrical Contractors
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Benefits of additional plug sockets

If your office or work space currently uses a series of extension leads to power your equipment, you would certainly benefit from additional plug sockets.

You might not think about it too much, but you rely on your plug socket to charge your smartphone and power your computer and monitor.

Without plug sockets, the technologies you use every day would be gone.

Further reading: Additional sockets in your office

In most offices and other work spaces, a computer will be hooked up to a dual wall socket (a wall socket with two plug ports). Then, a four-way extension lead will be used so that a printer, scanner, lamp or other devices can be powered. However, extension leads do have a limit since they can only power a certain number of devices.

The solution to this issue is to have additional plug sockets installed. Plug sockets can be installed in series, so that they resemble a bar running across a wall. Or, they can be installed spaced apart. Whatever the case, having more plug sockets means that you will have more accessible power for all your devices. You’ll also be able to use more extensions, so theoretically, you could power hundreds of devices in one room.

Newer designs

Furthermore, plug sockets have adapted to recent technology trends. For instance, newer designs now incorporate USB ports into the design so that you can charge a smartphone or tablet without having to use a plug adaptor. Some plug sockets also have USB-C ports. These handy ports free up more space, allowing you to power more devices.

Related: Energy saving tips for your office building

Plug sockets also come in a wide variety of finishes. There’s the white plastic plug sockets we are all accustomed to in an office environment, and then there’s brass and stainless-steel sockets which are a little more expensive. You can also buy sustainably-sourced wood sockets made from beech, oak, maple, bamboo and other types of wood.

Additional sockets can also be installed at any height. So, for example, you can have sockets installed 3’ off the ground for shorter cabling systems.

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